Mobile security software works like most anti-virus software on computers, who defends his team. But since the mobile security software is for mobile devices, which have to be different.
Mobile software protects you from viruses. The virus can be obtained by simply downloading something quietly. Viruses are very simple to get, hard to find, and can be very bad for your mobile device.
Another thing that mobile security is that it gets rid of snoopware. Snoopware can download similar to a virus, but snoopware got a hold of the camera, take pictures and videos when you do not want. This can be especially serious if the hacker behind it access to personal information or address.
With MSS can also get a list of black / white list. The blacklist is a list of people and phone numbers you do not want to receive the data. This means that if you try to call or text you can not contact you. The white list is the list of people you know and want to receive calls and texts
They also usually include an anti-spam. Anti-Spam is a way to block texts that are just spam, or trying to sell something. This is very useful to reduce the time devoted to reading texts. Read More