The Intel Corporation introduced the first microprocessor, the 4004- 4bits, in 1971. the 4004 evolved from a development effort while designing a calculator chip set. Soon after the 4004 appeared in the commercial market, three other microprocessors
were introduced. These were the Rockwell International 4-bit PPS-4, the Intel 8-bit 8008, and the National Semiconductor 16-bit IMF-16. In the year 1973 the second generation computer came with MOS Technology like Motorola 6800and 6809, Intel 8085 and Zilog evolved. This 8 bit microprocessor fabricated using the NMOS technology. The third generation microprocessors were introduced in the year of 1978. These processors are 16 bits wide such as Intel 8086/80186/80286. These processors are designed with HMOS technology. Read More